The First Record of A medicinal Plant Species Prosopis farcta (Banks & Sol) .J.F.Macbr (Fabaceae; Mimosoideae) from Libya
Journal ArticleProsopis farcta (Banks & Sol.) J. F. Macbr. has been reported for the first time from Libya. This species is native in Asia. Flowering specimens of Prosopis farcta collected from Sokna Region about 650 Km south-east Tripoli. It is presented with updated nomenclature, taxonomic description, geographical distribution, place of occurrence in Libya, and field colored photographs are also provided. The voucher specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of Botany Department (ULT), University of , Tripoli, Libya.
Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, (07-2021), UNITED STATES: تم اختياره Quest Journals, 8 (6), 39-43
Robust and high-capacity audio watermarking basedon chirp z-transform
Conference paperA novel non-blind audio watermarking algorithm, using chirp z-transform in combination with discrete wavelet transform and singular value decomposition, is presented in this paper. In the proposed method, a watermark audio signal (about 13 seconds in length) is hidden into an original audio signal (about 51 seconds in length) by applying discrete wavelet transform, chirp z-transform, and singular value decomposition. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm has been tested using signal-to-noise ratio, objective difference grade (ODG), and normalised cross- correlation of watermarked audio signal under various common audio attacks. Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm has a high capacity (352.8 kbps), without significant perceptual distortion (ODG > -0.29) and provides good robustness against common audio attacks, including: re-sampling, echo addition, MP3 compression, additive white Gaussian noise, re- quantisation, cutting, and low-pass filtering. This algorithm has a high capacity and excellent audio quality compared with other audio watermarking algorithms.
Omar Moftah Ibrahim Abodena, (05-2021), 2021 29th IEEE Signal processing and communications applications conference (SIU): IEEE, 1-4
دراسة مدى تأثير العسل والقرفة في تحفيز عملية التجذير لبعض النباتات ومقارنتها بهرمون التجذير Toniplant الصناعي تونيبلانت
مقال في مجلة علميةاُستخدمت في هذه الدراسة بدائل طبيعية لهرمون التجذير الصناعي التونيبلانت )Toniplant ( وهي العسل
( Honey ( والقرفة ) Cinnamon powder ل في
( لمعاملة مجموعة من النباتات المختلفة عن طريق الإكثار بال عق
التربة الرملية وتربة البيتموس من أجل تحفيز تكوين الجذور، لما لهذه البدائل من طبيعة هرمونية؛ حيث تبين أنه
باستخدام العسل ومسحوق القرفة يمكن تجذير بعض النباتات في مواسم غير مواسمها التكاثرية، حيث
8189 وذلك بحديقة كلية العلوم/ جامعة /9/ 8181 وحتى 81 /6/ استغرقت هذه التجربة ثلاثة أشهر منذ 81
غريان، وأكدت نتائج هذه الدراسة بعد تحليلها إحصائ يا باستخدام البرنامج الإحصائ ي Minitab 16.2.0 (( أ ن
البدائل )العسل والقرفة( تعمل عمل الهرمون عند زراعة ال عق
في التربة الرمل ية عند مستوى معنو ية .1010( P )<
بالإضافة إلى أن الزراعة في تربة البيتموس ذات تأثير أفضل ؛ حيث تزداد الشعيرات الجذرية وتنمو بشكل أفقي
مقارنة بالتربة الرملية مع الأخذ في الحسبان نوع النبات المزروع.
شهوب محممد أمحمد الأحمر، يوسف محمد عزو، منال خليفة حسن، وهيبة سالم الجيلاني، مبروكة الصادق كشلاف، (02-2021)، ليبيا: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحتة والتطبيقية، 1 (20)، 55-60
Grafting of methyl methacrylate onto starch initiated by ceric ammonium nitrate in presence of Nitric acid as activator.
Journal ArticleABSTRACT
Natural polymers with improved structure have been securing increasing value in the industry as they
are abundant, cheap, and biodegradable. Graft copolymerization is one of the effective ways to
enhance the properties of natural polymers. Starch based graft copolymers are becoming increasingly
important due to their remarkable adhesion, high water absorbency, and biodegradability. Methyl
methacrylate (MMA) grafted onto starch by using the ceric ammonium nitrate (CAN) as a redox
initiator in the presence of nitric acid in aqueous medium to form grafted copolymer (Starch-g-
PMMA) was investigated. The grafting reaction was carried out under stream of nitrogen gas. The
impact of different reaction parameters to achieve the highest percent grafting (%G) has been studied
by determining the initiator concentration, monomer concentration, time (hours), nitric acid
concentration, and polymerization temperature. The % G was found to be 97%. Evidence of grafting
was characterized and confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The peaks at
1736.70 cm-1 and 3449.78 cm-1 indicates that MMA has been successfully grafted to starch. %G was
found to be decreased at higher than 70°C, after 2 hours of reaction time, with an increase of MMA
monomer concentration, initiator concentration, and with HNO3 concentration. The highest percent
grafting was obtained at the parameters of 1 g starch, 70°C, 2 hours, 2 mmol CAN, 140 mmol MMA
and 0.4 mmol HNO3
Abdurahman Alajeli Abuabdalla Khalifa, Wafa S Omar Baej, (01-2021), 000: Journal of Modern Chemistry & Chemical Technology, 12
Floristic Study of Sedrores Mountains in Gharyan District–Libya
Journal ArticleA floristic survey of Sedrores Al-Qawasim mountains in Gharyan district - Libya was conducted in two consecutive growing seasons from 01/04/2018 to 01/6/2019. In this study area, a total number of 320 plant species belonging to 214 genera were collected representing 44 families, of which 39 families and 276 species belonging to dicotyledons, and 5 families and 44 species are belonging to monocotyledons. The results showed the dominance of the family Asteraceae with 60 species, followed by the family Fabaceae with 32 species, then the family Poaceae with 29 species. The results showed the dominance of the (Euphorbia genus) with 7 species, followed by Helianthenum, Plantago and Erodium with 6 species each. Moreover, life-form spectrum analysis showed the predominance of therophytes with 210, followed by Hemicryptophytes with 59 species, while chorotype spectrum analysis showed the dominance of Mediterranian species with 151 species, followed by Mediterrean/Iranu-Turanean with 72 species.
Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, Mohammed H. Mahklouf, Mahmood B. Shanta, Hisham Ali Abo -Jaafer, (07-2020), كندا: J. of Advanced Botany and Zoology, 1 (8), 1-10
تأثير مادة النشا في إطالة فترة تخزين بعض الفواكه والخضروات في درجة حرارة الغرفة
مقال في مؤتمر علميمستخلص البحث:
تحضى تقنية المواد المستخدمة كأغلفة مستساغة لتغليف ثمار الفواكه والخضروات
لغرض حفظها وإطالة فترة تخزينها بإهتمام واسع هذه الأيام في كثير من الدول،لما لها من نتائج إيجابية للمحافظة على الثمار بعد الحصاد؛ وذلك للمساهمة في زيادة إنتاج الغذاء وتحقيق الأمن الغذائي. اُستخدمت في هذه الدراسة مادة النشا لهذا الغرض عن طريق غمر بعض ثمار الفواكه (البرتقال، الموز، التفاح، الكمثرى والخوخ) وكذلك بعض ثمار الخضروات (الخيار، الطماطم، الفلفل، القرع والجزر) في محلول النشا في المعمل لفترة 15 دقيقة ثم تركت الثمار في حوافظ خاصة بها تهوية، ولوحظت التغيرات التي طرأت عليها. أوضحت هذه الدراسة أن جميع أصناف ثمار الفواكه المعاملة بمادة النشا عدا التفاح كانت أكثر مقاومة للأمراض الفطرية والفساد الذي طرأ عليها، مقارنة بالثمار الغير معاملة (الشاهد).بينما أبدت جميع ثمار الخضروات المعاملة مقاومة أكثر للأمراض الفطرية والفساد من الثمار الغير معاملة.
شهوب محممد أمحمد الأحمر، يوسف عزو، مصطفى كركوري، (06-2020)، ليبيا: جامعة غريان، 106-114
Adsorption of methyl orange from aqueous solutions using olive pomace: Akinetic and isotherm study
Conference paperAbstract:
This study investigated the potential use of olive pomace (OP) as an adsorbent to
reduce the concentration of methyl orange (MO) in aqueous solutions. The effect of
some important parameters on the process of adsorption was examined, including
pH, adsorbent weight, temperature, contact time, agitation speed, and the initial
concentration of MO. The results showed that the optimum concentration of MO was
10 ppm and the optimum pH = 2, indicating that the process of MO adsorption on the
surface of the OP was better in acidic medium. The equilibrium time was 80 min at a
speed of 100 rpm. The results of the study showed the significant role of OP weight,
agitation speed, temperature and the contact time in increasing the adsorption
efficiency. On comparing the pseudo first order and pseudo second order models, the
results showed that the pseudo second order model fitted the experimental data well.
The study also included testing of Langmuir and Freundlich models on the
adsorption isotherm data, and it was found that experimental data obey the
Freundlich isotherm. To sum up, the study showed that OP has high adsorption
efficiency to remove MO by applying a simple, inexpensive method.
Wafa S Omar Baej, Abdulnasir Albasheer Alsagagheer Omar, Nawal Abdurazq Elhadi Ahmad, (09-2019), 00: Special Issue for The 3rd Annual Conference on Theories and Applications of Basic and Biosciences ♦ September, 7th, 2019, 23-33
PhD ThesisWatermarking techniques have been considered as one of the best efficacious methods
to solve the issues of protecting copyright due to the proliferation of digital multimedia
information on the internet. The digital multimedia information is such as image,
audio, and video which can today be easily copied, distributed, and modified without
loss in fidelity. As a result, it is necessary to utilize some kind of copyright protection
techniques to avoid illegal copying, distribution, and digital copyright modification.
The digital watermarking techniques have engaged the researchers’ attention as a
technique for protecting copyright in the digital multimedia information. This
technique includes a subcategory of information-hiding technologies in which the
ownership information is hidden into the original multimedia information without
impacting the original multimedia information quality. Despite the advances in digital
watermarking techniques, the main objective of many types of research in digital
watermarking topic is to improve transparency and resistance to attacks and the present
digital watermarking schemes are not sufficiently stable or strong against various
attacks. This study aims to develop state-of-the-art digital watermarking techniques
for different multimedia information through improving the imperceptibility and
robustness to geometrical attacks and signal processing operations. Four novel robust
blind digital watermarking schemes are introduced in this thesis for copyright
protection of multimedia information that have not been previously introduced. The
first robust blind digital watermarking scheme is applied for colour images utilizing
discrete wavelet transform in combination with Walsh Hadamard transform and
Hessenberg decomposition. The second robust blind digital watermarking scheme is
applied for grayscale images utilizing discrete wavelet transform in combination with
Walsh Hadamard transform and Hessenberg decomposition. The third robust blind
digital watermarking scheme is applied for colour videos utilizing discrete wavelet
transform in combination with Walsh Hadamard transform and Hessenberg
decomposition. Forth robust blind digital watermarking scheme is applied for audio
signals utilizing discrete wavelet transform in combination with Walsh Hadamard
transform and Hessenberg decomposition. Several experiments are performed in order
to present the effectiveness of the proposed digital watermarking schemes in terms of
imperceptibility and robustness against attacks related to each scheme. The proposed
digital watermarking schemes achieve good imperceptibility and robustness against
geometrical attacks and signal processing operations. The proposed digital
watermarking schemes have a superior performance in terms of imperceptibility and
robustness than other reported schemes in the literature.
Keywords: Watermarking, Copyright Protection, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Walsh
Hadamard Transform, Hessenberg Decomposition.
Omar Moftah Ibrahim Abodena, (08-2019), Cyprus International University: Cyprus International University,
تحديد اصناف الزيتون المنتشرة بمنطقة الاصابعة ومحاولة تحديد زمن الجني الامثل
مقال في مجلة علميةاستهدفت هذه الدراسة تقدير محتوى ثمار الزبتون من الزيت خلال اشهر موسم الجني
شهوب محممد أمحمد الأحمر، خليفة زنين، عمر سعيد، (06-2019)، ليبيا: جامعة غريان، 17 (1)، 155-164
The first record of Abutilon theophrasti (Malvaceae) in the flora of Libya
Journal ArticleA new record for Abutilon theophrasti is recorded for the first time in the flora of Libya. This widespread agricultural weed was collected from El-Hamra region (El-Qabel) in the Nafusa Mountain south of Tripoli. To facilitate further identification and future detection, a full description, habitat information, distribution map and distribution data are provided. A brief discussion about the most important threats posed by this species is presented.
Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, MOHAMMED. H. MAHKLOUF, (05-2019), ابريطانيا: Phytotaxa, 402 (5), 259-254