A workshop on the basics of operating laboratory equipment and laboratory safety procedures

29 Nov, 2023

Today, Wednesday, November 29, 2023, the activities of the workshop organized by the College of Science in Gharyan, in cooperation with the Office of Follow-up, Equipment and Development of Laboratories at Gharyan University, concluded, and its activities took place over three consecutive days.

During which the college’s laboratories and laboratories received 50 trainees from (Faculty of Science - Gharyan, College of Science - Mizdah, College of Pharmacy, College of Human Medicine, College of Health Sciences, sister college, College of Science, and participants from Asmariya University),

A number of 20 trainers from faculty members from departments (chemistry/physics/botany/zoology/geology) also participated in the training.

The activities of the last day concluded with a closing ceremony in which the President of Gharyan University participated with a speech in which he praised the role of teaching assistants and technicians in the university’s laboratories and thanked the trainees for their keenness to obtain skills and experience in such workshops. He also thanked the members of the organizing committee for this workshop and the faculty members participating in the training.

He also thanked the Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the college, Ms. Najia Masoud Al-Said, for her efforts in making this workshop a success. The closing ceremony was also attended by the Dean of the College of Science - Gharyan, the Vice Dean for Scientific Affairs at the college, the Director of the Office of Follow-up, Equipment and Development of Laboratories at the University, and a group of faculty members. Teaching assistants and laboratory technicians in the aforementioned colleges.

At the end of the ceremony, certificates were distributed to the participants, trainees, and members of the organizing committee supervising the workshop.

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