Student forum for new students in medical colleges

05 Dec, 2023

Student forum for new students in medical colleges

Within the framework of implementing the preliminary stage for scientific colleges in Libyan universities, the College of Science at Gharyan University hosted today, Tuesday, 12-5-2023 AD. New students forum for students who have been accepted to study in the preparatory stage of medical colleges.

The forum was attended by the Head of the Preliminary Stage, Dr. Kamal Al-Mabrouk Suleiman, the Dean of the College of Human Medicine, Dr. Khamis Al-Farouj, the Registrar of the Preliminary Stage, Dr. Tariq Al-Arabi, the Head of the Department of Applied Sciences, Ms. Samia Abadi, the Head of the Medical Sciences Department, Ms. Nadia Al-Rub’, and the Director of the Office of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the College of Sciences, Ms. Najia. Al-Said, the Deputy Registrar, Mr. Abdul Wahab Kharwat, and the Student Affairs Coordinator, Mr. Mahmoud Al-Gaddafi.

The forum was opened with a speech welcoming the new students. It was opened with a speech by the head of the preliminary stage, followed by a speech by the dean of the College of Human Medicine. After that, the registrar of the preliminary stage gave a speech explaining the most important subjects regulating the preliminary stage in accordance with the regulations governing it and issued pursuant to the decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. 1465 of 2022 AD.The head of the Medical Sciences Department also reviewed the regulations governing study, examinations, and disciplinary violations contained in General Regulations No. 501 of 2010 AD, which apply to all students studying in Libyan universities. Then the door was opened for discussion and dialogue with the students about these regulations, and the response was given by the head of the preliminary stage and the stage registrar. The college and department heads in the preliminary stage respond to all inquiries and comments received from these students.

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