samia emhemmed salh abadi
Permanent Lecturer
Qualification: Bachelor
Academic rank: Lecturer
Specialization: احصاء - احصاء
- Faculty of Science
Negative Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Haematological Parameters in Healthy Libyans
Journal Article:Abstract
Smoking causes about 6 million deaths annually, increases the risk for many diseases and alters hematological parameters. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the negative impact of cigarette smoking on the hematological parameters of healthy smokers in Libya. A total of 145 smokers and 145 non-smokers, with age range 39-45 years, were recruited. Blood samples were collected from each participant and were analysed for complete blood count. The obtained results were statically analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA. The mean for all study variables for smokers (except for MCHC) was greater than that for nonsmokers. The coefficient of variation (CV%) showed that the smokers group was more homogeneous for most variables than the non-smokers group, except for BMI and LYMP. The results of ANOVA test showed that only in the case of MCHC the non-smokers had a significantly higher mean (p < 0.05). For other variables, the smokers had significantly higher means (p < 0.05), except for the RBC, where the mean was non-significantly higher compared to the non-smokers. There was no statistically significant effect for the age variable or for the interaction between smoking and age on all variables. In conclusion, the study revealed that cigarette smoking has a significant impact on most haematological parameters; confirming that smoking has severe adverse effects on most haematological parameters
Hafsa A Alemam, Abdulnasir Albasheer Alsagagheer Omar, Abdulhamed Mohamad Omar Etriieki, Samia Emhemmed Abadi, Hayat M Binrhoumah, Shaima Kh Alansari, Ammar K. Aslougi, Farag I. Eltaib, (12-2024), United state of America: Bioscene, 21 (4), 604-616